
The following standing committees are established: Finance Committee and Professional Materials Committee.

The appointment of membership to these committees is prescribed in the bylaws and the policy manual. Special committees are appointed as needed.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee reviews the financial operations of the Association and reviews the budget presented by the Executive Director prior to submission to the Board for final review and approval. The Finance Committee is responsible for insuring that the Executive Director position is filled and provides oversight to the annual performance review and support for the Executive Director.

Professional Materials Committee

The Professional Materials Committee (PMC) is established by the NAEA Board and Chaired by the President-Elect. The Chair facilitates the activities of the committee and serves as a conduit to the Board. PMC members must be NAEA members in good standing. There are 10-15 PMC members, each serving a four-year term. The Committee comprises members with different areas of expertise and interest, with representation from scholarly researchers of art/art history, museum educators, and all teaching levels, including higher education.

Committee members should have background interest in writing, publishing, or editing professional materials on art and art education topics. They should be able to express their opinions clearly and concisely in written critiques. Committee members should be thoroughly familiar with current terminology, trends, resources, and references in the field.

One member of the Committee is named as Editorial Review Coordinator with the responsibility of coordinating proposals and submitting recommendations to the PMC Chair.

Special Committees

Special committees are appointed by the President, Chair of the Delegates Assembly, Regional Vice Presidents, and Division Directors to undertake special assignments. Special committees are appointed on an ad hoc basis and shall serve no longer than the term for which they are appointed.

Platform Working Group
The Platform Working Group includes the four Vice Presidents and Division Directors. One Vice President is selected to serve as Chair. The Platform Working Group manages the process for developing, vetting, and recommending Position Statements. This includes facilitating discussion at the Delegates Assembly that results in recommendations to the NAEA Board.

Additional information about the responsibilities of the Platform Working Group and the process for developing, adopting, and reviewing Position Statements is contained within the NAEA Platform and Position Statements section of the Policy Handbook.

Nominating Committee
In even number years, at least 6 months prior to an election, the NAEA President appoints a Board-approved nominating committee composed of one member from each Region, one member from each Division, two members of the Delegates Assembly, and one member-at-large who serves as Chair. The committee prepares a slate of two candidates for the office of President-Elect and two candidates for each Division Director-Elect position.

In odd numbered years, at least 6 months prior to the election of Regional Vice Presidents-Elect, the Regional Vice Presidents recommend a nominating committee composed of one representative from each Region. The NAEA Board ratifies the committee and designates the Chair. The committee prepares a slate of two candidates for each Vice President-Elect position. Candidates must have served in the Delegates Assembly.

Ad-Hoc Committees
Special, ad hoc committees are appointed as needed by the President, Chair of the Delegates Assembly, Regional Vice Presidents, and/or Division Directors to undertake special assignments within areas of responsibility.